in god's name
Wednesday, 19 February, 2025
in god's name
Here, where we are,
is the city of Hermel.
The people here hold their flag high in resistance,
and the one who carries the flag is not bowed by crises, problems, deprivation, or poverty.
This city is known as the city of martyrs, and the Takfiri terrorist group, Al-Nusra Front,
which targeted this city, declared in their statement: “We struck a blow to the Hezbollah camp!”
This might be a small city,
but it has great heroes, some of whom are pictured above…
شماره تلفن همراه خود را وارد کنید تا از آخرین مراسم های حاج حسین یکتا به صورت پیامکی با خبر شوید.
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