400,000 visitors have visited the Shalamcheh Martyrs’ Memorial.

Mustafa Asjari, in an interview with the Eysar and Martyrdom reporter of IRNA, stated: On average, 8,000 people visit the Shalamcheh Memorial daily; this number is likely to reach 15,000 visitors per day in the coming days.

He added: “The Shalamcheh Martyrs’ Memorial is an international memorial, and this year, 1,000 foreign visitors from countries such as Iraq, Syria, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India have been dispatched to this area

عَسجَری گفت: اعزام زائران راهیان نور از اول اردیبهشت امسال آغاز شده و تا ۲۹ اسفند ادامه دارد، بعد از عید تا ۱۳ فروردین (روز طبیعت) هم زائران با وسایل نقلیه عمومی خود به مناطق عملیاتی می‌آیند.

He explained: 400,000 pilgrims have visited the Shalamcheh Martyrs’ Memorial since Ordibehesht this year, and most of the pilgrims travel to these operational areas from Aban to Esfand.

The head of the Shalamcheh Martyrs’ Memorial stated: Considering that the Shalamcheh Martyrs’ Memorial is located near the border base, 60,000 pilgrims traveling to Karbala also pass through this route and visit the memorial.

عَسجَری خاطرنشان کرد: مهم ترین برنامه در یادمان شلمچه مراسم «بله برون» حاج حسین یکتا است که به صورت روایتگری، انگیزشی و تلنگری توسط وی از ۱۹ بهمن تا ۴ اسفند و ۱۲ تا ۱۹ اسفند اجرا می شود.

He added: Cultural programs such as congregational prayers, storytelling sessions by war veterans, daily street theater performances, and choir performances by groups from across the country are other activities that are held at this memorial for the pilgrims.

Asgari emphasized: The blood of each martyr carries a message, and the duty of the servants is to deliver this message to the ears of the pilgrims.

Source: IRNA news agency

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